




Adding a new treatment

How to add a new treatment to your booking system

To add a new treatment to your booking system, please follow the steps below. If you require assistance please get in touch with us at info@judjang.co.uk.

  1. First click the settings icon in the admin portal
  2. Click Treatments in the sidebar (you may need to expand the sidebar if you are working from a small device such as a mobile or tablet)
  3. Click New Treatment and add a treatment name, pax (either 1 for a treatment for a single person, or 2 for a couples treatment), a description and additional information. The Description will display on the customer’s booking screen and the Additional Information displays once the customer has selected the treatment.
  4. Choose an image from the image bank from the drop-down menu. If you would like to add custom images, please get in touch with us at info@judjang.co.uk with your images.
  5. Click save

Once you have added a new treatment, you will need to add at least one duration to make the treatment active. To add a new duration:

  1. On the Treatments page, click on the green plus icon next to the treatment
  2. Add a duration in minutes and a price.
  3. Click save and repeat steps 1 and 2 for as many different durations as required.