




What is the best booking system for a solo massage therapist?

Judjang might just be the booking platform you’ve been looking for

Starting your massage business as a sole proprietor comes with many challenges, not least juggling all the different responsibilities that comes with running your own business. As well as being the only therapist, you’ll also need to answer calls and take bookings, plan and execute your marketing activities, keep your clients happy and engaged, not to mention all the administration tasks such as keeping a record of client details and bookings.

Thus as a sole proprietor it is perhaps even more important to have a booking platform that manages as much of this as possible. After all, as a therapist you won’t have time to take phone calls whilst you’re carrying out treatments, and trying to respond to messages in between appointments can be overwhelming and lead to lost opportunities to take bookings and attract new clients.

However, the high cost of many booking systems in the marketplace today simply does not make financial sense for sole proprietors. Some well-known booking platforms charge high monthly fees on top of whopping commission rates of up to 35%, and then you later realise that there are limits on the number of bookings you can take or the functionality available to you without upgrading to an even more expensive package. But by that time, it’s often too late and you’re stuck with the booking platform.

Here at Judjang, we know how difficult it is starting your own business. You just want a booking platform that makes your life easier, has fair and transparent pricing with no hidden surprises, and can grow with you.

Pricing for sole proprietors

We created a pricing package for sole proprietors that gives you full access to all the functionality of our booking platform with no appointment limit and no commission, all for the cost-effective price of £5.99 per month. The sole proprietor package also allows you to add one additional member of staff, and when you do grow and start hiring more staff to help you, our Standard package is still only £15.99 per month for up to 9 members of staff, and our Pro package is £20.99 with an unlimited number of staff – which is still cheaper than many well-known platform’s pricing plans for 1 member of staff.