With Judjang you can record purchases of gift vouchers and use these for payments against future bookings.
Recording a gift voucher sale
Click the gift voucher icon in the sidebar
Click New Voucher and complete the short form. You must enter a unique reference number for each voucher sold. You will need this reference again when the voucher is redeemed by the customer, so make sure to write the reference on any gift vouchers you sell.
Enter the amount the customer has paid for the voucher and select the payment method.
Click save.
Redeeming a gift voucher
When a customer wishes to pay with a voucher, you can record this against the booking.
Click on the relevant booking, then under the Checkout section click on Voucher.
A pop-up window will appear asking for a voucher reference. Enter the customer’s voucher reference code.
Make sure you enter the reference code accurately. If the voucher reference is found in the system, a prompt should appear asking for the amount (£) to redeem from the voucher. Select the relevant amount and click OK.
You should see the Voucher payment appear under the Checkout section. The booking is now checked-out using the voucher, and you can close the booking pop-up.